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With 5 days left, we’ve met our goal BUT we really REALLY want to see more Backers. It means so much to us that 49 of you said “Sign me up!” Don’t wait, Back this project and reserve your copy!…/14…/jack-and-the-pirate-attack


Jack and the Pirate Attack KICKSTARTER!

Friends, help us get our second book published and on shelves and in your homes! Back us on Kickstarter to pre order your book and receive many great rewards! This is an anti-bullying book that'll hit home with everyone!


Polymath Brewing Co. growlers

My design and art work on a growler!! I love and miss my friends at Polymath and Brew Crew! I've got to go pick mine up and fill it of course with Jason and Steves amazing brew! True beer scientists!


COMIKAZE 2014 Oct. 31st-Nov. 2nd

Stop by our booth this weekend at Stan Lee's Comikaze and grab your convention, price reduced book! Didn't get those prints last time? They'll ALL be there along with original art, sketch cards, button sets, stickers and more! My Day of the Dead original art, and prints will be available for purchase as well as Amy's Day of the Dead jewelry at an amazing reduced price! FREE RAFFLES for super cool prizes to follow! Be there! "SHARE" and please give our page a "LIKE" its free I promise!



Hey friends, if you're going to COMIC CON, Please stop by our table, 'Q13' ZOMBIE PLAYGROUND PUBLISHING! We hope to see you all there! Dont forget to go to my facebook page for Jack and the Zombie Attack and give us a "LIKE"