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The undead 'Proof'

New proofs have arrived! We found a printer that offered us a great price, but ended that business relationship after a few failed attempts at printing the best quality. Remember, I want this book PERFECT!! I wont settle for anything otherthan the best! Our new printer was recommended by Bradley Girard, who is our right hand man with wrapping up and getting the brain rolling with Jack and the Zombie Attack! Book release date TBA but we are looking at the end of July! 

Please stay tuned for more information! In the meantime, please go to our facebook page and send friends, family, and of course the undead right this way! More “Likes” means we get the word out EVERYWHERE! 


Jack and the Zombie Attack

Wow! Been a while since my last post! As many of you know, my wife Amy and I have been working on our own children’s book Jack and the Zombie Attack, which is due out in February…maybe! We are in desperate need of backers and are not anywhere near our goal. Please check out the site and visit our Kickstarter which will explain EVERYTHING including how to preorder your book, get merchandise such as T-Shirts, original art and original art from the book and of course how to get original Zombie drawings from Jack himself!

 Visit: to get more information and find out how you can help us out. Remember, you’re not just pledging money to us, you’re actually preordering your book! We are down to 9 DAYS!!! Only you as friends can help make this happen!

"Like" us on facebook



Been painting like a mad man for a series of works I am creating for an upcoming exhibit which is going to be Dia De Los Muertos! The day falls at the beginging of November and I would have LOVED to have had it then, but due to other projects, I will be doing it closer to I wont say it, the Aztects are wrong! 

In the meantime, here is a sneak peak at "Rosie" 24"x36" oil on canvas. Enjoy!



Art field trip!

 Wow! What a Saturday! Started out the day by heading down to USC to attend the Los Angeles Times Book Festival. It was very overwhelming; I could have stayed for days! We met Chef Anne Burrell, got an auto, and of course watched her cook like a rock star! NEXT ran over to see fellow Titan Patrick Scullin and got some cool art AND picked up his new graphic novel ‘Super Siblings’. BOOM ran over to see Scott Schultz from YO-Gabba Gabba and watched my wife tell him that our son STILL bites his friends. AH YES! Then, I met Stephan Silver! He is so amazing!! I’m a super big fan of his and actually got to pick his brain for a while. Next stop Craola’s solo exhibit: “Cloud Theory”

 We headed deeper into Los Angeles where Greg “Craola” Simkins would be debuting his long anticipated series of works “Cloud Theory”. This guy is so amazing at what he does; God has truly anointed his right hand of righteousness! Again I was overwhelmed at his body of work! Greg actually spent some time talking to me and gave me some great advice on technique, inspiration and something I am very big on, family. He really made my day! Check out the pics from the show here



So once again I had the opportunity and privilege to guest speak at Cedar Middle School on ‘Bones’ and some interesting facts about them. When I was done, I had the students AND teachers follow along with a tutorial I put together that I also demonstrated on drawing the skull. I made it as simple as possible for them and they were all stoked when they pulled it off! Try it! If a middle school student with no drawing experience can pull it off, so can you! But wait there’s more! (Not really I just wanted to say that) 

So once again I had the opportunity and privilege to guest speak at Cedar Middle School on ‘Bones’ and some interesting facts about them. When I was done, I had the students AND teachers follow along with a tutorial I put together that I also demonstrated on drawing the skull. I made it as simple as possible for them and they were all stoked when they pulled it off! Try it! If a middle school student with no drawing experience can pull it off, so can you! But wait there’s more! (Not really I just wanted to say that)